Hi everyone,

You know – I had this idea about a longboard backpack… but what’s next? Lacking professional skills in all kinds of fields is certainly the biggest issue when starting a venture like that.

So I needed experts in marketing, start-up experience and product-design. And – most important – sharing the passion for longbaording.

I had a first prototype and gave the project the name “Santa Ana Bags”. Then I made a little film showing my idea and put in on facebook in hope for some reactions…The result was awesome! A lot of community members gave positive feedback – and also gave me advice how to improve!

And then a little miracle happened…

Two guys saw my idea and contacted me. And I can literally say – without these two awesome guys the complete project wouldn’t be alive today… Issam and Matthijs got in touch with me showing interest in my project and that was the beginning of okozo. Issam brought in his sharp mind and incredible entrepreneurial experience and Matthijs his wonderful personality combined with outstanding marketing skills.

So far so good 🙂

But honestly that first proto bag was not up for the job yet and it was obvious that we somehow needed a real killer backpack!!! And after some research in the field of industrial and product design another wonderful thing happened:

Lena from Hamburg joined us! Being an exceptionally talented product designer with tons of experience she made in the bag industry. She was excited to take on the challenge to design a product which was completely new to the market. And the result is just outstanding!

Soon more team members joined – Tim becoming our creative director with his gifted ability to create outstanding content for social media, Manu doing a fantastic job in creating our Corporate Design, Gerry and Kathrin programming our awesome website, Shea with a fantastic feeling for our social media channels – and last but not least…Sebastian, being our project manager – settled in the eye of the hurricane with octopus like super powers coordinating everything!!!

 Lastly all the wonderful people from the community giving us their support are the wind under our wings – the queens and kings on the longboard summit: Anto, Val, Isa, Lisa, Jeff, Mirko, Lotfi and Brandon – it is such a delight to have you supporting our project. Thank you!

Now the team is assembled we started working already – all of us hyped up to bring you the best longboard backpacks this planet has ever seen 🙂

Let’s go and skate!